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Morning Arrival and Breakfast

When students arrive at school they are to line up outside the gate in the front of the school until 7:30.  From 7:30 – 7:40AM, ALL students will enter the campus and be directed to wait by the cafeteria and walkways before 7:50 AM.

7:40 – 7:50 AM students not eating breakfast will be supervised in front of cafeteria area and bungalows (when weather permits).

Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria from 7:30-7:50 AM.  The cafeteria doors will close at 7:50 so that students will be able to eat and dismiss, beginning at 7:50AM.

When the bell rings or when dismissed, all students will walk to the blacktop area and begin lining up at their designated classroom location.  At the bell, teachers will walk their students to their classrooms in single file order.  Please allow the classrooms at the end of the corridor to proceed to the classroom first.

Breakfast-Inclement Weather Procedures

All students will stay in the cafeteria (breakfast eaters) or under the overhang near the cafeteria. Teachers will have their door open at 7:45AM.


Students are walked to the recess area.  Students will not be allowed to get drinks or go to the bathroom after the bell has rung. At the bell students will freeze.Yard Duty teachers will blow the whistle for students to walk to their classroom line. Students are not allowed to play in the bathrooms or hallways during recess.  Teachers will come to the lines and pick up their students and lead them to the classroom.

Inclement Weather Procedures

An announcement will be made from the office regarding an inclement weather schedule.  Students will stay with teachers for recess on inclement weather days.


Students will be lined up outside the cafeteria door in the corridor.  Teachers stay with their class until an administrator or NTA is present to monitor students.  Students will be expected to talk in quiet voices, clean up after themselves, and walk from the cafeteria to the playground.  No food may be taken into the cafeteria (unless they are bringing a lunch from home) and no food may be taken out of the cafeteria (unless they are bringing a lunch from home).  

Lunch Recess Play

Students will not be allowed to get drinks or go to the bathroom after the bell has rung.  Students are not allowed to play in bathrooms or hallways during lunch recess.  Teachers will come to the lines and pick up their students and lead them to the classroom. Detailed recess play rules are reviewed with students by teachers and at quarterly behavior assemblies (school wide).

School Dismissal

Teachers are to walk their students to the front gate where there is supervision.  All students are to leave the campus after school dismissal unless they are going to ASES, staying with the teacher, attending an After School tutorial, or attending a supervised activity.  Students are not to be on campus unless they are in a supervised activity.  If a parent has not picked up a student 15 minutes after dismissal time the student must wait out front of the office until the parent picks the student up from school. Students are unsupervised beginning at 2:20 PM.


Snacks will be allowed at school under the following guidelines:

  • They must be healthy in nature, i.e., fruit juices, water, fruit, yogurt, health bars, pretzels, half a sandwich, etc.  No sodas, candy, gum or chips.
  • Containers, wrappers, papers must be thrown away.
  • Snacks may be eaten outside at designated blue picnic tables under supervision by yard duty teachers.

Prohibited Items

Cell phones (without parent permission signed form), toys, iPods, or other items that are distracting to the school environment are not to be brought to school.  Bringing these items create several problems.  It takes away from the learning environment and causes problems dealing with lost and stolen items.  If these items are brought to school the teacher or administrator will take them away and request that the parent pick up the item.  If a cell phone is brought to school, it is to be kept in the child’s backpack and on off.  If the cell phone is taken out of the backpack or rings or vibrates it will be taken. 1st violation: Student picks it up. 2nd or more violations: Parent must pick it up.

Additional Procedures

  • Students are to assist in maintaining our beautiful school campus by staying out of planted areas, not throwing balls against the walls of the school buildings, picking up litter and putting it in the trashcans, and staying off the grassy areas except on the playground.
  • Use the restrooms during recesses and not during class time as much as possible.
  • Make arrangements with their family in the morning about what they are to do after school.  The office phones are for emergency use only.
  • Walk at all times on the school campus unless at recess or PE.
  • Do not play in the restrooms or hallways.
  • Cell phones may NOT be allowed on campus unless Cell Phone Form is signed by parent. Cell phones will be kept in child’s backpack and not seen or heard.
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